Dingqian Liu

American Century Investment

American University Alumni

Dingqian (Sara) Liu is an Economist turned Quant at American Century Investment. Her research interests includes Investment, Macroeconomics and Behavioral Finance. She is currently engaged in a variety of research projects regarding firm-level financing decisions and the measurement of managerial attention, as well as research regarding the effects of policy uncertainty on financial markets and growth. Sara was born and raised in Sichuan, China and received B.A.’s in Finance from the University of International Business and Economics.

What's New

● Updates of China VIX Index (Feb. 2015 -- Mar. 2022):

● Job Market Paper presentation: 1) The 2nd Applied Macroeconomics Forum (2021), AI, Machine Learning, and Macroeconomics; 11 December, 2021, 8:40-9:10 pm, at link
● Job Market Paper presentation: 2) Mock JMP talk, 10 January 2022. (update link later)
● PyData Global 2021 Talk: What Do C-Suite Pay Attention To?
●Forthcoming, IMF Economic Review: Stock Prices and Economic Activity in the Time of Coronavirus
Replication Package
● JMP (update on Dec. 31, 2021): Manager Attention and Leverage Dynamics

● Updates of China EPU: Mainland China Economic Policy Uncertainty